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Self-Employed Health Insurance By State

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Now self-employed, freelancing or running a small business? You should be looking into getting self-employed health insurance in your state!

With more and more people starting private business outfits, freelancing, or consulting, becoming self-employed has become a micro dream for most people. Starting your business is very thrilling and in the long run, could be very profitable.

If you’re self-employed or you own a small business outfit that employs less than 50 people, you should get a self-employed health insurance plan; one that covers you, your dependents, and employees.

Typically, if you run your business that has no employees, or happen to be self-employed, you will be unable to qualify for group coverage. Nevertheless, you can purchase ACA compliant health coverage via the Marketplace.

Why is State Based Self Employed Health Insurance Important?

It’s important to consider your state regulations and requirements concerning self-employed health insurance plans. As a self-employed individual, your state may require you to still have health insurance. Some options for you may include Short Term Health Insurance, COBRA, ACA individual plan or family group plan.

The plans available, whether individual or group plans, for self-employed people may be standardized in most, if not all the state. This means that you’ll get the same benefits depending on the plan you have selected.

However, the insurance providers available in your state may differ from the insurance providers available in other states. Also, your state is important because depending on your plan, the network of health providers available to you may depend on your geographic zone.

All States use the Marketplace, which is a federally supported health insurance exchange for people to find health insurance that fits their budget and meets their needs.

While every state in the Union has an insurance marketplace, only a few run their own insurance marketplace.

14 states have a state-run marketplace (California, Nevada, Washington, Idaho, Colorado, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland). Majority of the states have a federally run marketplace.

With an Individual Marketplace, you can:

  • Find coverage for your family and yourself.
  • Access premiums tax credits as well as other savings should you qualify.

If you run your business alone or with your spouse, freelance or work as a consultant, the individual marketplace is where to get the best, flexible insurance for self-employed people.

Best Health Insurance For Small Businesses and Self Employed Individuals With Employees? 

If you have a small business outfit with less than 50 employees, you may not be required by state or federal laws to provide insurance for your employees. However, the best business models care for their employee’s health. You should consider SHOP in this case.

SHOP is the Small Business Health Options Program, and this is a good insurance option that offers you and your employees, convenience, affordability, flexibility, and multiple options.

Very Good Coverage Can Help You Out!

Don’t forget that the best self-employed health insurance plan differs from state to state; and sometimes, considering your Zip code will do you a lot of good. We can help you find the best self-employed insurance provider and plan in your area! We’ll consider your location, your financial status and your health needs and provide you with the best options! You don’t have to sift through all the internet pages.

Start by Choosing Your State!




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